The Vermilion County Museum and Fithian Home are part of a small campus highlighting the history of Danville and Vermilion County, Illinois. The grounds feature The Vermilion County Museum, Fithian Historic Home, plus various exhibits throughout the grounds including a Looking for Lincoln wayside exhibit.
Additional off-site locations associated with the Museum and Fithian Home include:
Lamon House
Mann’s Chapel
Pioneer Cemetery
Tuesday – Saturday
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Closed Sundays & Mondays
Closed Major Holidays
Museum Center Cost:
$5.00 per person
Children under 17 – FREE
Museum and Fithian Home Cost:
$7.00 per person
Children under 17 – FREE

The Vermilion County Museum Center is a replica of the 1831 courthouse where Lincoln practiced law in Danville, Illinois. Opened in 2002, the Center provides an overview of Vermilion County history with galleries that highlight natural history, early Native American artifacts, education, coal mining, and Lincoln, to mention a few. This facility has space for special exhibits, events, meetings, and programs, and is handicapped accessible. Contact staff for rental information.

The Dr. William Fithian, pioneer doctor, prairie legislator, Civil War surgeon, and friend of Abraham Lincoln, completed the home in 1855. Fithian and Lincoln became friends when they both served in the Illinois legislature in 1834 and the association continued until Lincoln’s death.
Fithian hosted Lincoln many times when he visited Danville and supported him both financially and with speeches when Lincoln ran for office. In September of 1858, Lincoln gave a speech from the south balcony of the Fithian home when he was campaigning for the U. S. Senate. The balcony, the window Lincoln stepped out, and the bedroom Lincoln used on his visits remain as they were that autumn day in 1858. The bed in the Lincoln room is the bed the tall statesman slept in when he visited Fithian.
116 N. Gilbert Street, Danville, IL | (217) 442-2922
Traveling from I-74,
take the Gilbert Street Exit North. Continue North over the Big Vermilion River bridge. The Museum will be about two blocks north of the river and past Main Street on your left.
Entering Danville from Route 1 South
you will cross over I-74 and continue North. Route 1 merges with Gilbert Street. Stay on Gilbert Street. The Museum is about two blocks north of the river on your left.
From Route 1 North,
you enter Danville on Vermilion Street. Stay on Route 1 as it turns right on Fairchild Street and then left on Gilbert Street. The Museum will be on your right.